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mpega.library 2.4 (13-Sep-1999) (68020+) (GIFTWARE)
Distribution Conditions
This program is copyright (c)1997-99 by Stephane TAVENARD.
It may be distributed freely under the condition that no profit is
gained from its distribution, nor from any other program distributed
in the same package.
Permission is granted to distribute this package by Bulletin Board
systems or network sites, under the condition that no fee is charged
on downloading it.
All files that are part of this package have to be distributed
together and none of them may be changed in any way other than
archiving or crunching. The only exception to this rule are the
icons, including the tooltypes, which may be changed to accommodate
them to the rest of the disk it is distributed on.
This program is distributed as freeware (and giftware).
This package is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.
The author assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever
for any damage or dataloss caused by using this package.
An Amiga :^)
A 68020 or better
OS 3.0
A PPC is better !!!
This package contains a lib directory with several versions. Copy
the desired version to your LIBS: directory and rename it to "mpega.library".
* WARNING * FPU versions of these libraries are slower than others, but they
are more accurate. FPU versions can be used to convert MPEGA Audio file to
pcm files with maximum quality. Integer versions (without 'FPU' in the library
name) are very fast and provide very good quality (very near to FPU version).
In order to install the PPC version, you must copy mpegaPPC.library to LIBS:
and rename it to mpega.library, then copy mpegappcXXX_library.elf to LIBS:
(XXX is either FPU or INT, depending on the version you want).
V2.1 need absolutly ppc.library from Phase 5 to work.
The developer directory contains includes for SAS/C like compiler. For other
compilers, you can use the .fd file to build your programming interface.
You can also find a short example to see how to use this library in the
developer/demo directory.
Enjoy it !
V1.0 02-Nov-1997 First aminet release
V1.1 02-Jun-1998 Fixed bug in variable rate synchronization
Added PPC version !
V2.0 22-Jun-1998 Enhanced MPEG Audio recognition
Added MPEGA_scale() function
PPC version bump priority of PPC message task of Phase'5 to 19
V2.1 18-Sep-1998 Added INTEGER library version for ppc
Enhanced ppc cache usage
V2.3 24-May-1999 Fixed some bug when decoding more than one stream at once
68060 Version added
V2.4 13-Sep-1999 Added Xing VBR tag support
Thanks to my friend, AMIGA, the best computer ever made.
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Stéphane TAVENARD (ANGERS/France)
Email: stephane.tavenard@wanadoo.fr
IRC: Tatav
Send your gifts here :^)
La Bezanière
49070 Saint Jean de Linières